Research and choreography Fabrizio Favale
The origianl music of Orbita is composed by Mountains, renowned band from New York formed by Koen Holtkamp and Brendon Anderegg.
The stage set, disegned by Andrea Del Bianco and Fabrizio Favale, between glare and cloudy shadows, remind us to the first 1900s photography.
This work contains a mechanical opera realized by Andrea Del Bianco, Fabrizio Favale and Alberto Trebbi, that consist in a rotating rope that produces a suspended transparent sphere that doesn’t touch on any surface.
Orbita contains nudity.
Turning rope opera by: Andrea Del Bianco, Fabrizio Favale and Alberto Trebbi
Dancers: Francesco Leone, Giuseppe Paolicelli, Daniele Salvitto, Davide Valrosso
Set: Le Supplici
A co-prodution Le Supplici, Teatri di Vita Bologna
Supported by MIBAC – Italian Ministry of the Culture, Regione Emilia-Romagna and FONDO PER LA DANZA D’AUTORE [Found for the Authorial Dance] by the Regione Emilia Romagna


Photographs Giovanna Bigazzi



To Italo Calvino.

As in the orbit of a celestial body, this work presents a construction that tends to repeat itself indefinitely. The dancers in a circle gather and separate incessantly. Where very complicated dynamic figures come together, as in the art of making knots. They intertwine in a single body, which turns and turns to let emerge now a figuration of telluric and wild grain, now of rarefied, tenuous, discontinuous forms, which even fly, like fairies.