Black Mountains + Astral Propeller


A work by Fabrizio Favale



Choreography Fabrizio Favale
Set, costume and art work First Rose
Dancers Daniele Bianco, Daniel Cantero, Pietro Conti Milani, Alessio Saccheri, Daniel Tosseghini, Po-Nien Wang
Co-produced by Festival MILANoLTRE, KLm – Kinkaleri / Le Supplici / mk
Supported by MIC / Regione Emilia-Romagna / Comune di Bologna
Created in artistic residency at Teatro Consorziale di Budrio



Photo First Rose





A work with a telluric, dark, wild character Black Mountains is an all-male piece and although very abstract and danced, it has in some way to do with the extinct ancestral traditions of southern Italy, especially those that took shape in the landscapes and mountain locations, such as the figures of the cowbells of San Mauro or the Lucanian Tree-Men.
References to some of those figures, intended as profiles or drawings abstracted from their original setting and temporality, together with stylized profiles of elements of nature of those places (fog, darkness, long branches of tree profiles), appear within the choreographic plot, but in a random sense, linked to chance (not to narrativity). The black tones of this work unify all the danced and scenic visual elements on a plane of abstraction. The dance develops in a sophisticated technical, dynamic, qualitative content.
The set consists of a dismantled theater, like an open field with an abandoned industrial character, where the lights, many of which are visible on the stage and beyond the stage, move randomly, and some of these are moved directly by the performers.
The predominance of backlighting highlights the speed of some dances that appear as luminous trails in space.
Other scenic elements are a gray silk backdrop mounted at half-mast that does not touch the ground and that produces singular flashes, and two metal scaffoldings mounted in shapes made of simple geometric lines.









